Since 1999, has been the trusted source for thousands of customers with their trademark needs online! We are a leading provider of online document filing services for clients who wish to register a trademark, perform a trademark search, or maintain their trademark registration with the USPTO. For more than
years, we made it easy and affordable for clients to search a trademark and protect their brand. Get a trademark search and find out if your trademark is clear!
One client at a time. Individualized attention.
Commonly Asked Questions: |
What is a trademark? |
A trademark is a brand name. A trademark can be a name, phrase, or logo used on a product or advertised for a service. For example, Starbucks® is a name for coffee shop or Nike® for shoes. |
How long is the process? |
We normally process search orders in about 1-2 business days, unless you have a rush. The PDF search report will be emailed to you for quick delivery. |
What is the Comprehensive Search and do I need it? |
The U.S. comprehensive search looks are three areas: federal, 50-states, and common-law. Federal clearance is important when filing to register a trademark with USPTO at federal level. However, state and common-law can affect you if someone has used a similar trademark before your first date of use. For example, someone can file a similar trademark at state level or open a similar business name. The common-law search looks at all business names in the US. It will discover if someone else is using a similar name in the entire U.S. that might pose legal risk to your business name. |