+ federal filing fee- E-file Your Federal Trademark with USPTO
Electronic filing is faster, more convenient, and costs less than paper filing with the USPTO. - E-mail Confirmation
Receive an email confirmation once your trademark application is e-filed with the USPTO.
Popular Deal
+ federal filing fee
- Includes everything from Basic Package plus:
- In-depth Trademark Search Included
Our full search will analyze your trademark to see if it’s clear for registration. We’ll search for similar sounding words, plurals, misspellings, prefix and suffix wildcards, translation, and other variables. - Cease and Desist Letter ($40 value)
A Cease and Desist letter is often a first step to enforce your trademark. Use the letter to warn potential infringers they need to stop using a similar trademark to yours or face legal consequences. - Transfer and Assignment ($40 value)
Use the Transfer and Assignment letter if you need to legally change ownership of your trademark and assign it to another party in the future.
+ federal filing fee- Includes everything from Standard Package plus:
- Unlimited Customer Support
Our customer support team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. We'll be there to help you at any stage during the filing process.